Top Heroes in Legend Of Ace and the latest recommended tier list

 Wellcome to blogger zathong and in this article I will show for you best characters and recommended tier list in Legend Of Ace. Tier list is a tool that allows players to see which heroes are performing well in the current meta.

Legend Of Ace Tier List:

Top 1: Thanatos, Loki, Olsson, Moreau.

Top 2: Hattori Masanari, Endor, Edison, Elros, Achilles, Andvari, Anubis, Zhuge Liang, Tyr, Tlaloc, Tesla, Teach, Takeminakata, Phoenix, Odysseus, Hephaestus.

Top 3: Shutendouji, Zeus, Ogier, Odin, Sun Wukong.

Top 4: Lin, Minotaur.

Top 5: Joan.

Tier List Guide:

Top 1: They perform well on practically any game and are significantly difficult to counter and with the right usage.

Top 2: They excel at what they do and perform well on practically any game.

Top 3: They generally perform well on practically any game.

Top 4: they perform great, but their impact is often lower than those in higher tiers.

Top 5: Their impact in the game is often lower than those in higher tiers.

Reference Material:

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