Dr Mundo Teamfight Tactics Stats and Guide

 Dr Mundo is champions in Teamfight Tactics. This post will help you has information about skill and items build.


Zap Dose: Dr. Mundo injects himself with “medicine”, restoring 20% of his maximum Health and becoming energized for 6 seconds. While energized, he restores an additional percent of his maximum Health over the duration and deals magic damage to a random nearby enemy second. At the end of the spell, Dr. Mundo expels a burst of electricity that deals a percent of his current Health as magic damage to all enemies within two hexes.

Damage: 30 / 50 / 100

HP Healing Percent: 65% / 75% / 200%

HP Damage Percent: 20% / 25% / 30%


Gargoyle Stoneplate: The holder gains 18 Armor and 18 Magic Resist for each enemy targeting them.

Warmog’s Armor: Grants 1000 bonus Health (including components).

Sunfire Cape: Every 2.5 seconds, a random enemy within 2 hexes is burned for 25% of their maximum health over 10 seconds. Any healing they receive is reduced by 50%.


Health: 1000 / 1800 / 3240

Mana: 150

Starting Mana: 75

Armor: 50

MR: 50

DPS: 48 / 86 / 156

Damage: 80 / 144 / 259

Atk Spd: 0.6

Crit Rate: 25%

Range: 1

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